Thursday, April 29, 2010

We've made it to 38 weeks!!

So here I am...still working and still no Baby C yet! Eric and I are both SOOOOO anxious it's not even funny! With only 2 weeks to go, I sure hope this little guy decides to come on OR BEFORE May 12th. I feel like I'm as BIG as I can get! The longer he's in there, the BIGGER I feel! I am still walking at least 3 times a week, but my pace has slowed considerably. Then when I'm done walking and I sit down for a little while, I can barely get moving again once I stand up. My ligments are incredibly sore afterwards. Also, I believe the baby keeps hitting some low lying nerves because every now and then I almost have to stop walking/moving because the pain is so intense. It almost feels like a burning/stinging feeling. My ribs aren't hurting like they were so I am praying that might be from the baby dropping some. If so, then we have progress!! YAY!!

Well, that's about all the updating I have for now. Everything is ready to go for Baby C's arrival!

I will leave you with my 38 week pic! :o)


  1. You look beautiful! I hope he comes soon too! We're at 35 weeks and I'm starting to feel some of the pains you are talking about... so I can kinda understand. I'm sure I'll be right there too in a few weeks.

    Hang in there!

  2. Aw I love this picture! Is that his cute room in the background?? Love it!
