Monday, February 15, 2010


So on Wednesday I will officially be 7 MONTHS!!! YAY!! Just 3 more months to go before we get to meet this little guy!
Last Friday we had a sonogram appointment and even got to get some 3D pics, but unfortunately he didn't want to move his hand from his face. He's a little camera shy and the pics didn't turn out as good as I had hoped for. The first one is his little profile.
The second one is a view from the bottom of his feet. They are crossed.

I love his hand placement in this one....he's thinking about what life will be like outside of his squished, yet comfortable current home. Lol!
These were the only two 3D pics that you can sort of see him in. Now you can see why I was a little disappointed. I was so anxious to see him and get some good pics. Guess it just wasn't our lucky day for that to happen.

We got the crib all put together and I put the bedding on just so I could see the total package! I fell in love with this bedding and had to have it! I didn't care boy or girl, I was getting this bedding! I'm just thrilled that things are REALLY coming together in the nursery now.
And just for fun....I thought I would share my newest experience with you. Saturday morning while I was in Austin visiting Megan, I layed in bed for a few minutes while Megan was getting ready to go to the gym. I kept feeling a very repetitive movement on the side on my tummy where I know his back is. It went on for almost a minute....then it hit me!!!! THESE ARE HICCUPS!!! I have been wondering when I would feel them. I just love when something new and exciting happens!! It makes pregnancy just THAT much more enjoyable and fascinating!!

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