Thursday, March 18, 2010

Lions and Tigers and Braxton Hicks...oh my!

Soooooo I just felt, for the first time, a Braxton Hicks Contraction! I'm pretty sure I have had several before today, but had no clue what they were. I was standing in Shelly's office chatting with her when my tummy tightened up like a ROCK! I started rubbing it and Shelly said "what's going on in there?" I explained to her that my tummy turned rock hard for about 7 seconds. She then informed me that "those must be braxton hicks!" Since she's had 3 children of her own, I'm pretty sure she knows what she's talking about. So I got online and researched "What Do Braxton Hicks Contractions Feel Like" and after reading other pregnant women's replies, I feel sure of it! YAY! A new discovery!

Also, I thought this was really interesting. Shelly said that in her Lamaze Class her teacher told them that it feels like the difference between your chin, your nose and your forehead. Your chin is a normal pregnant tummy and then your nose is getting harder and your forehead is the ROCK hard Braxton Hicks! Go on, feel for yourself! It really does feel like that!! :o)

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